A review of Community Mental Health Services by Sanyrud written on Saturday 13th of November 2021
My son passed away year 14tn November. He sufferderd mentel health. Was on low dose metherdone .which he hated takeing. He tryed other stuff trying so hard with locked down 27 A new my son was takeing other substance from bloods so on .no one told family I relize something was roung with my beautiful caring son. Sadly I was too late he overdosed alone in his flat.no one supported my son he was left alone .a mother can never forget wat she saw that day wen broke in his flat brought my son out .no words can help me forget .27 A did not work to help my son he would still be with us .but I hope 🙠pray no mother are left with there trust..
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Map showing Community Mental Health Services on St Owen Street